Money Secrets That Will Change Your Life


One of the tragedies of present-day reality is that many people, both young and old have no idea what the secrets of money are. Everyone assumes all you need to do is save up for the rainy days and you will be fine, but it is so much more than that.

Imagine if you knew what to do and what not to do with money, what a life changer this would be, don’t you think?
In this article, I’ll be sharing four truths about money that you need to know to avoid making mistakes that could have been avoided
Keep reading to learn the secrets about money

You Don’t Have to Always Work to Get Money

Okay, before you react, I’m not talking about looking for Ponzi schemes or illegal money multiplication strategies. People who fall for this are usually motivated by greed and desperation. PSA: this is an unhealthy financial strategies
If you get it right, money can work for you. It is possible to earn while you sleep and you should start as early as possible. The right investments will accomplish this for you

Nobody is Interested in Your Expensive Stuff

It is almost a Nigerian thing to brag about expensive stuff; the N700,000 wristwatch, or the $20,000 earrings. Would N20,000 earrings rip your ears off? Wouldn’t you also see the same time on a N30,000 wristwatch? Our egos are powerful enough to make us drown in debt and bad financial decisions. There is indeed beauty in luxury and it is necessary sometimes, but if your motive is to show off, you’re making bad money decisions.

It is Not Money You Want, it is Time and Freedom

Time and freedom are how money is valued. Think about it for a second, why do you want wealth? You want to be able to buy whatever you want without having to calculate what’s left in your bank account? Freedom. You don’t want to always work 24/7? Freedom and Time. You want to be able to travel? Freedom and Time. You want to be able to help others financially? Freedom. You want to be able to do whatever you want whenever? Freedom and Time.
What makes financial problems so detestable is the lack of freedom it comes with. As humans, we hate to feel bound or constrained, this is why money is valuable – it’s a tool we use to buy time and freedom. So, building wealth is delayed gratification, use time and bondage today to buy time and freedom tomorrow.

It is Wisdom to Live Below Your Means

Look, we know you want to chill with the big boys, but it is wisdom to live below, not just within your means. When you say you’re broke because your income is not enough, this should spur you to do two things – work on living way below your means and increasing your income.
This is not an excuse to get into debt. Discipline yourself to continually live below your means first before considering income increase because if you cannot live below your means with N50,000, you will likely be unable to, even with N1000,000.

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