Seven Easy Ways to Come up With a Business Name

Business name ideas are the next thing after deciding that it’s time to start a business and you have a hit idea that you’re sure will change everything.

If we’re being honest, the business name is often one of the most difficult parts of the business process and business name ideas do not come by that easily.

A good business name is generally meant to capture the brand’s essence accurately, while being catchy, simple and memorable. You want something that reminds everyone, including you, about the WHY of the business.

Some folks hire a naming agency and pay a lot of money just for a business name that is relevant to the industry, untrademarked already and on-trend, but what if we told you that you could come up with an ideal business name idea that meets all of your needs on your own?

Keep reading to find out how that is possible

Ways to Get the Best Business Name Ideas

Consider a Foreign Word

Your business might appear exotic if you use a foreign word from a beautiful language like Latin, Spanish, Japanese, etc. This way, the business name will also be memorable for your customers. For example, if you’re running a salon, you can try something like “belle” which is French.

Try Acronyms

Many well-known companies employ the acronym method – it saves time and is straightforward. For example, AIT (African Independence Television), DSTV (Digital Satellite Television), and ABC transport (Associated Bus Company).

Your Name

Since it’s your business, it wouldn’t hurt to name it after you, would it? Several brands are like this, and they are quite popular in Nigeria. Things like Emeka and Sons ltd., or Joyce Salon. There is Dangote Refineries too.

Get Inspiration for literature or Mythology

Nike, one of the most popular fashion and sports brand in the world has its roots in Greek Mythology – named after the Greek goddess of victory. Makes sense right?

A little digging could help you figure out if there is some mythological figure relevant to your business.

For example, if you’re starting a beauty or fashion business, the name of the beauty goddess would suffice.

Consider a Location

The globe could be an uncanny source of a business name idea for you if you’re attentive. Amazon’s name emerged this way, named after the biggest river in the world.

There are several locations, countries, capitals, cities, villages, rivers, etc. Just pick one, and that’s it.

Change Spelling

You could add or take out one or more letters from a common word so that it gets more attention. This is how Tumblr came to be. For example, instead of classic, you say Klassik

Consider Nature

From animals, plants and other things in nature, you could choose a name. Reebok, for example, was inspired by the African antelope -Rhebok, but with a spelling tweak.

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